Missional Areas & Churches
The Michigan District is divided into five missional areas.
The Michigan District Church of the Nazarene is a collection of churches in south west Michigan including the medium size metropolitan areas of Lansing, Jackson, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and small towns throughout the rural landscape
Northeast Missional Area
Churches: Alma, Bay City Faith, Bay City First, Midland Bethel, Midland Community, Midland Nease Memorial, Mount Pleasant Faith Indian, Mount Pleasant First, New Lothrop, Saginaw First, Saginaw Journey of Grace, Saginaw Swan Valley, Saginaw Valley, St. Louis Restoration 58:12, Sumner Center
Missional Coordinator:
Rev. Justin Hayes justin@midlandnaz.org
Northwest Missional Area
Churches: Byron Center High Pointe, Ebenezer, Elmdale, Grand Haven, Grand Rapids Clyde Park, Grand Rapids International Fellowship, Grand Rapids Northeast Community, Grand Rapids West International, Greenville, Hastings, Holland New Life, Lowell, Muskegon Breakwater, Muskegon Connection Point, Sparta
Missional Coordinator:
Rev. Tyler Hubbell
Southeast Missional Area
Churches: Albion, Charlotte New Faith, Eaton Rapids, Hillsdale, Jackson First, Jackson Found, Mason First, Spring Arbor
Missional Coordinator:
Rev. Rev. Gerhard Weigelt gerhard@masonnaz.org
Southwest Missional Area
Churches: Battle Creek First, Buchanan, Coldwater, Corey, Kalamazoo South Side, Nashville, Portage Cross Community, Sturgis, Three Rivers, Vicksburg Chapman Memorial, White Pigeon Lighthouse
Missional Coordinator:
Rev. Rob Lewis
Capital Missional Area
Churches: Corunna, Durand, Grand Ledge, Holt, Lansing First, Lansing International, Lansing South, Lansing Woodview, Okemos, Owosso City, Owosso First, Perry, Portland, St. Johns, Williamston
Missional Coordinator:
Rev. Jesi Myers
Missional Area Leaders - Task Description:
* Gather area pastors for fellowship, spiritual emphasis, shepherding, pastoral crisis care, etc. during Mission Area
Breakfast Meetings, Cohort Meetings, Fall Workshop, Pastor and Spouse Retreat, Mission Advance.
* Serve as DS Surrogate when needed.
* Facilitate missional discussion with area pastors - What's Next? Next Generation and Next Plants.
* Develop Partnerships across the missional area to plant new churches.
Michigan District Churches
Please find below our Michigan District Churches listed in Alphabetical order